Friday, July 29, 2016

Weight Training Diet and Workout Tips to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

Is a weight training diet plan an oxymoron? After all when we think of weight training we think of big burly men, whose only diet would be the see-food diet. I'm joking of course. When it comes to the look and shape of your body, exercise and nutrition go hand in hand, with what you eat arguably the more significant. Exercise dictates performance; diet dictates what you see staring back at you in the mirror.

Weight Training Diet

So if you are putting in the effort with the weights to improve the look and shape of your body, it figures that you would also put some thought into what you eat.

Now conventional wisdom tells us that the exercise program isn't enough to change the look and shape of our body, just open any muscle or health and fitness magazine, they are full of adverts for super foods and supplements as well as articles explaining why you must eat this and mustn't eat that... We need a weight training diet.

The misconception is that because you are weight training you need to eat in a specific way; usually "more", however in reality this is not the case!

You don't require extra calories to get a better looking body
Sure if you are trying to gain weight it is a given you will need to consume more energy than you use over a sustained period of time. But who wants to gain weight? Besides, excess energy gets stored as fat which is the last thing you want.

Aim to lose fat and gain muscle
Most people would rather have the lean and toned look of a celebrity or fitness model and use weight training as part of the plan to get there. If this is you then you certainly don't need to be adding food or following the typical body "building" approach. After all, when it comes to the look of your body, bigger isn't better.

You don't need "special" foods or supplements, great looking bodies were built before any of them were around
In the fitness media, it seems that for every new weight training program is a new wonder supplement that is required to get the best out of it. Of course this is just hype. Never be fooled, the real focus of your training should be, you guessed it, your training. Don't let a supplement steal the glory you earned, and don't let these details steal your life.

Plenty of people waste a long time wrapped up in health and fitness culture. The irony being that this kind of obsessive compulsive behavior isn't healthy at all. Follow an approach to lose fat and gain muscle and do it the right way. You'll be glad you did.

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Monday, July 25, 2016

5 Best Fat Burning Foods For Women and Men

There is no question that burning fat is the secret to losing weight and looking fit. Many diet and fitness experts claim that there are plenty of fat burning foods for women and men that help the whole process move along at a much quicker pace. If you can learn to recognize those foods and eat them in the ways that you should, you can tale giant steps forward in your fitness journey, and you'll be eating many of the foods you love.


Believe it or not, some of the foods you thought you could never have on any diet are often encourage on diets that really promote fat burning weight loss. Like any fad, diets change from day to day and while it was once thought that eating fat of any kind was a bad thing, research has now shown that we have to eat fat to stay healthy and lose weight. The secret lies in knowing which fats to eat and which ones to avoid. Many men and women have lost weight following plans that target mainly belly fat as it is one of the most stubborn areas.

Here is a brief description of the five best fat burning foods for women and men alike who want to lose belly fat specifically as well as achieve successful overall weight loss.


Olives are a great source of unsaturated healthy fats that also provide lots of iron, vitamin e and copper, and contain healthy doses of fibre which aid in blood sugar control and a healthy digestive tract.


Olive oil especially contains many properties that help promote good health and when used regularly, in the right amounts can actually improve weight loss efforts. Other beneficial oils include safflower, canola, walnut and sunflower oil.

Nuts and seeds

Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts and even pistachio nuts can help you burn fat and lose weight when eating according to plan. Nuts also provide a good source of protein and many different vitamins and minerals.


A lot of people who love this buttery treat avoid it when trying to lose weight or burn fat, when in fact they should be eating even more of it! Like the other monounsaturated fats listed here, avocados promote fat loss when incorporated into a planned fat loss diet. So the next time you toss that super salad, be sure to add a few avocado chunks for good measure!

Dark Chocolate

Now here is the best news yet for those seeking fat burning foods for women and men! Dark chocolate is actually good for you, and can help you lose weight and burn fat!! So you may have to give up some of those TV snacks but if you can eat chocolate, things won't be so bad. Again, even though it is a good fat, it must still be eaten in moderation.

In conclusion, the secret to burning fat and losing weight is about exercise, eating the right foods, in the right amounts, and in the right combination. It isn't rocket science; it's mostly just about using common sense, moderation, perseverance, and following a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Weight Loss For Men Over 40 - Secret Diets and Workouts For 40 Plus Men to Burn Fat and Get Toned

Weight loss for men over 40 would be quite different from younger men. The process of metabolism in an older man is usually low. Due to the lack of activities and aging, men over 40s easily usually gain weight. In order to burn fats and obtain a toned physique one should take up proper nutrition plan and a healthy workout regimen.

Healthy Eating

Secret Diets And Workouts For 40 Plus Men To Burn Fat And Get Toned

* Cardio workouts are the most touted exercises for losing weight healthily. There are various exercises such as running, swimming, hiking and brisk walking, which can be performed by men over 40. These exercises produce lots of metabolism in your body, which consequently burn fats easily. Excessive fat burning produces much heat in your body. It is always advisable to drink lots of water for maintaining the temperature. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily for shedding those extra pounds.

* Men over 40 can also perform Yoga for weight loss. Yoga postures revitalize your body and relieve anxiety efficiently. You can perform this exercise from the comforts of your home.

* Acai Berry diet is the most competent nutrition plan for weight loss for men over 40. You should take up this diet plan for producing metabolism. Acai berries not only encourage fat burning but also help your body to suppress hunger. It discards fats permanently from your body.

* Colon cleansing helps in eliminating harmful toxins from your body, which consequently cleans up your colon. A healthy colon is the key for obtaining a healthy body. Detoxification is extremely important for removing those stubborn fats from your abdominal area.

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